Вітаємо команду спортсменів нашого ліцею із зайнятим другим місцем у зональних змаганнях із гирьового спорту. Бажаємо вам міцного здоров'я та нових перемог!
Соціальна програма Scholarship
Запрошуємо здобувачів освіти ДПТНЗ «Софіївський професійний ліцей» взяти участь у соціальній програмі Scholarship.
Головний приз - гранти (стипендія) на сплату року навчання в українському ВНЗ.
Наразі відкрито 2 номінації:
18 000 грн. - https://seoquick.com.ua/scholarship-ua/ (запитання та роботи надсилати на пошту: lily@scholarship.events)
30 000 грн. - https://kes.com.ua/ua/scholarship/ (запитання та роботи надсилати на пошту: kesklinika@ukr.net)
Участь повністю безкоштовна.
Реєстрація для ВПО
Державні заклади професійної (професійно-технічної) освіти Дніпропетровської області пропонують здобувачам освіти з числа внутрішньо переміщених осіб з інших областей України продовжити навчання на своїй базі доступними можливостями та наявними ресурсами закладів.
Консультації з зазначеного питання можна отримати у Навчально-методичному центрі професійно-технічної освіти у Дніпропетровській області за телефоном
066-575-11-46, а також заповнити анкету за наступним посиланням: https://forms.gle/Sx3qDFV9Fo7CFDc5A
Разом крокуємо до перемоги!
Сьогодні вся Україна вперше відзначила День Єднання. Це день консолідації українців перед лицем загрози та інформаційного тиску.
А наша єдність нездоланна,
Бо в нас тече козацька кров.
За скільки літ нас не здолали,
А отже, ще простоїмо.
На виконання Указу Президента України від 14.02.2022 №53/2022 «Про невідкладні заходи щодо консолідації українського суспільства» колектив ДПТНЗ «Софіївський професійний ліцей» взяв участь у мітингу Софіївської громади присвяченому Дню Єднання та долучився до флеш-мобу з виконання Державного Гімну України.
Класні керівники в дистанційному режимі організували заходи в групах на теми: «Єднаймося, браття!», «В єдності наша сила»
Это текст. Нажмите, чтобы отредактировать и добавить что-нибудь интересное.
The competition for filling vacant positions of heads of state institutions of professional (vocational) education is announced
detailed information at the link:
Cossacks to be
Dnipropetrovsk region is called the cradle of the Cossacks. This opinion is based on the fact that due to various historical circumstances, the Cossacks were forced to change the location of the Sich, there are now eight historians, and five of them were just in the Dnepropetrovsk region. Therefore, it is natural that here is the revival of the Cossacks, but in its modern manifestation.
Cossack Ivan Zababakha is a well-known man in Cossack circles, he is a member of the Council of Elders of the All-Ukrainian public organization "Sich of the Zaporozhian Army", and is a bearer of Cossack traditions. He can not be ignored, because he is in a traditional outfit with ammunition and herring, looks like a Cossack from historical paintings. He is a descendant of a Cossack family, his family in Soviet times for national and patriotic convictions was forcibly deported from Lviv region to Kazakhstan, where he spent his childhood. As an adult, he returned to his homeland and defended national ideas during the period of independence. In 1991, the Cossack community of Lviv built a Cossack seagull and 50 members of the team went on a "sea expedition" to Turkey. Then there were the cities of Europe, where the Cossacks were greeted with interest and where, and even the English queen herself aboard the Cossack seagull. He now lives in Alexandria, and despite his advanced age travels a lot and leads an active life. During the live communication, the children asked questions about Ivan's grandfather's appearance, his ammunition and his adventures.
Given all these circumstances, the initiative group of the Sofia OTG decided to give impetus to the development of the Cossack movement in the community by creating a training center for the study of Cossack martial arts. The Poltava Charitable Foundation "Community Development Fund" Initiative "within the project" Voice of the Community in Local Self-Government "became an organization that took over the financing of the project to unite the community around the idea of the Cossacks.
Therefore, from October 9 to 12, on the eve of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine and the Day of the Cossacks, the initiative group began field trips to present the project in the settlements of Zaporizhia, Lyubimovka, Mykolaivka and Marie-Dmytrivka. The events were held on the basis of educational institutions and included a brief excursion into the history of the Cossacks, a demonstration of elements of training in intellectual martial arts Pernach and live communication with a modern Cossack.
The long-term tasks of the project, which are included in the work plan of the training center, are historical and local lore research and construction of possible tourist routes, organization of joint trips to historically significant places, holidays and festivals, acquaintance with Cossack organizations of our region.
It is very important at the stage of community development that the unique cultural events held now become traditional and play the role of a kind of business card of the community and Sofia district as a whole. Cossack holidays or holding Cossack games between the communities of the district can become such a business card of our region.
It is clear that the implementation of such measures is not possible without cooperation with other organizations and institutions, such as the Department of Education OTG and district administration, Department of Education and Culture OTG, district library, district house of culture, school of arts and creativity, village council and youth council OTG .
Becoming a part of the changes taking place in the community is very simple, you need to be involved in the implementation of projects for the improvement and development of citizen activity, volunteer actions and mass events.
On September 26, 2018, students of the Sofia Vocational Lyceum took part in a festive event on the occasion of the All-Ukrainian Day of Libraries, where they not only learned about novelties in the world of literature, but also tested their creative abilities in various workshops.
On September 3, 2018, the lyceum started a new school year, which began with a ceremonial line-up dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. The holiday was filled not only with sincere congratulations and instructions to freshmen, but also with the awarding of diplomas to employees and students of the lyceum who took an active part in its public life.
Professional relay 2018.
These wonderful and crazy days at work are very wonderful!
Our team, our well done!
On April 11, 2018, a fire safety training was held at the lyceum within a week of labor protection together with the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Sofiyivskyi district of the Dnipropetrovsk region. During the event, students and staff of the lyceum not only learned about the rules of conduct during a fire, but also practiced practical skills in using fire extinguishers.
Cheerful Chefs Competition
As part of the decade in the profession of "Cook" among first and second year students was held a professional competition. Students completed tasks, answered questions and demonstrated their professional skills. They were evaluated by a respected jury: senior master Bugay Nadiya Viktorivna, methodologist Oliynyk Lina Hryhorivna
February 16:
As part of the decade of chefs for groups of first and second year, the film "Molecular cuisine-kitchen of the future" was screened, during which students learned about the history of molecular cuisine and saw how a traditional dish can be made unsurpassed flavors and aromas.
Teacher: Shiroka Anna Alekseevna
February 12:
The decade of the profession "Cook" has begun. A culinary quiz was held between first and second year students. According to the competent jury, friendship won. The winners received a sweet prize.